Resources and reports

Authors: Dr. Sue Cook
Published: August, 2008

As I put the finishing touches on this essay, a World Cup soccer match was being played in the Royal Bafokeng Stadium, a short distance from my office. As helicopters circled, vuvuzelas blared, and crowds of foreign visitors swarmed around the village of Phokeng, the tensions between an ever more commercially successful “ethnic corporation” (Cook 2005) and a struggling community of previously disadvantaged people, had never been more stark.

Dr. Sue Cook
Michel Lafon, Vic Webb (eds.)
Published: March, 2008
Chitra Akileswaran
Molebogeng Miyene
Holiness Thebyane
Dr. Sue Cook
Dr. Mark Lurie
Published: October, 2005

Given the ways in which South African migrant women are rapidly affecting and affected by the economic and health issues of the RBN, this study aimed to investigate the following phenomena: 1) the forces and experiences shaping female mobility in this particular mining area, 2) female migrants’ perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors towards and within the environments in which they live, 3) patterns of high risk sexual encounters within migrant women’s sexual networks and 4) female migrants’ experiences with violence, both within and outside intimate partner relationships.

Andrew Manson
Bernard Mbenga
Published: March, 2003

The Bafokeng are a Setswana-speaking community long settled near present-day Rustenburg. This article focuses on their protracted legal battle with Impala Platinum in recent times to improve their royalties. It also analyses the interconnection of this struggle in the 1980s with the political consequences of Bafokeng incorporation into the apartheid ‘homeland’ of Bophuthatswana under Mangope. The injustices of the Mangope era endured by the Bafokeng are detailed extensively here. Subsequent Bafokeng court action against the powerful mining conglomerates made legal history.

Key Focus Areas: History and Heritage
Dr. Sue Cook
G. Gmelch, W. Zenner (eds.)
Published: April, 2002
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